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Livestock products grading

Livestock products receive new value through the grading system. Through the animal products grading system, animal products farms can increase added value generation, and trust in the animal products by the people become strengthened.


Animal products receive new value through the grading system.Through the animal products grading system, animal products farms can increase added value generation, and trust in the animal products by the people become strengthened.

  • The KAPE helps consumers make choice by grading beef and providing quality-related information, and heightens consumers’ trust in the quality of beef.
  • The differentiated grades of beef are increasing the market competitiveness of domestic beef, and by providing quality-related information to the distribution market, the grades are important trading standards for the distribution of beef.
  • Marbling, meat color, fat color, texture, maturity are the criteria used to evaluate meat quality and designate a grade among 5.
    These grades are minimum standards to differentiate the quality of the beef.
    • The meat quality of beef is divided into 5 grades (1++, 1+, 1, 2, 3) and those that fail to receive a grade are non-grade.
  • The meat quantity is a standard to show the quantity of beef, and is an important indicator used in the distribution process.
    • The meat quantity of beef is graded as A, B, or C.
  • When using the certification of animal products grading, one can confirm the grade of the relevant animal product.
    • The consumer can confirm the grade of the beef and purchase the desired beef according to his/her own cooking needs and methods.
쇠고기등급의 표시방법의 1++ 등급 쇠고기와 3등급 쇠고기 비교사진
1++ Grades 3 Grades
1++ 등급 쇠고기 3등급 쇠고기


All domestically produced pork are graded, which enables the creation of a standardized pork distribution structure. It is an important system that guarantees the stable profits of farms.

  • Pork is indicated as 1+, 1, 2(primary decision and secondary decision)
  • The quality of pork belly, which has high added value, is considered to be the most
  • The grade of pork differentiates transaction price, which encourages the production of high quality pork at animal products breeding farms.
  • The grading of pork results in the creation of a distribution structure in which pork have consistent quality, and helps the consumer to make a rational choice due to differentiation of quality according to grade.
돼지고기등급의 표시방법의 1+ 등급 삼겹살과 2등급 삼겹살 비교사진
1+ Grades 3 Grades
1+ 등급 삼겹살 3등급 삼겹살

Chicken, Ducks

The grading of chicken and duck meat is limited to companies that wish to differentiate their quality. Chicken and duck that have received a grade are superior in terms of freshness and quality.
Chicken and duck meat that have received a grade are distributed to cafeterias and large marts, and satisfy consumer expectation with reliable quality.

  • By measuring freshness and reviewing the production line through special equipment, the fairness of the grade is heightened.
  • Chicken and duck meat that have received a grade have the grade certification indicated on the packaging, in order to help consumer to make choices.


Grading of eggs is limited to companies that wish to distribute fresh and high quality eggs. Eggs that have received a grade are being distributed in various forms.
Fresh eggs that have received a grade are being delivered to the consumer through distributors, and liquefied eggs are distributed through large scale cafeterias.

  • The quality of eggs is confirmed through scientific grading.
  • The shell of eggs that have received a grade have various information indicating the producer, type of chicken, region, grade date, name of releasing entity, etc.
  • In addition, the packaging contains a lot of information to help consumer’s choice, such as the grade, grade date, etc.
품질이 좋은 계란(good quality of the interior)와 품질이 떨어지는 계란(low quality of the interior) 비교사진
Good quality of the interior Low quality of the interior
품질이 좋은 계란(good quality of the interior) 품질이 떨어지는 계란(low quality of the interior)
  • Grades

판정예시 01(지역코드)001(생산자번호)02(계군번호), AA(집하장명)110325(등급판정일자), 품질등급 1+등급, 중량규격 특란(60g이상 68g미만), 등급판정일 : 0000.00.00 축산물품질평가원